It seemed only fair to create an update to the original comic, Issue 1. Enter Issue 1a, which is actually the most recently composed of all the Musings In Grayscale as I write this.
I still struggle with self-doubt. Constantly. I still feel as if I’m trying to re-establish my identity. To do that, I need to understand myself. A very fundamental part of the Musings In Grayscale is that exploration and search for understanding. I hope that I can make it entertaining for you, my readers, along the way.
Images Used
Panel 1: A selfie, grayscaled and tweaked in Photoshop.
Panel 2: Stock photo of a printed circuit board (PCB), grayscaled.
Panel 3: NASA photo of a black hole, grayscaled and tweaked in Photoshop.
Panel 4: Cell phone camera shot, taken with the Paper Camera app.
Panel 5: Cell phone camera shot, taken by me and grayscaled.
Panel 6: NASA photo of the full moon rising over the Wasatch Mountains, grayscaled.